Friday, May 15, 2015

Can the Baltimore riots be justified ?

I chose to critique Jacob Ybarra ' blog called  donkeys andelephants because I share a similar view. In his blog, Jacob has an interesting standpoint on the Baltimore riots.
He gives the outline of the event and then mentions his opinion by giving examples that is similar to the Baltimore riots.

I agree with his opinion. In the 14th amendment, it says that "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."
All people must be treated equally by the law. I really understand their wrath about processes and mistake of police.
It is about the question that " Is violence ever justified? I say "No".
Despite their anger is sympathetic, it is a well-known but often forgotten fact that violence can never be justified in any way.

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

These figures show the number of deaths caused by people using guns.
A lot Americans believe that the U.SConstitution protects peoples right to own guns.    
Some people say that “Guns don't kill people, Americans with guns kill people” or  “cars and drunk drivers killed more people in the us than guns ever did.” Also, people say ”Nowadays, the number of crimes is increasing rapidly and society is getting more and more dangerousso we should be allowed to own guns personally to protect ourselves.”

The point is that it is easy enough to get a gun in the US. The difference between the United States and all the other country's is that other countries have never had the same accessibility or legalization of handguns, as the in the United States. Practically any idiot in the US can go into a gun shop, and buy a gun (of course, there are some rules and laws towards it, but don’t know the specifics).

I am from Korea and guns are illegal in Korea. However, police and soldiers(under military drills)  can own guns. Also, a few people who have a license by law can have air rifles. So the number of some people killed with guns is lower than the US. Because it is related with by police, soldiers and those who have guns legitimately. Of course, there are murders by people who own guns illegally.

I think that guns make it "easier" to kill people, thus people get killed more when guns are at hand, both accidentally and intentionally. Many people are shot by people who are under the influence of alcohol, their easy access to a gun while inebriated leads to the death of others. They are often not in their right minds. So we could also say alcohol use and abuse plus easy access to firearms leads to many senseless killings.

In conclusion, I am against owning guns.

Friday, April 17, 2015

colleague's critique

I just kept reading my classmate’s blog for For my critique. And, finally I choose : Shantae's View's on Goverment on Thursday, April 2, 2015 wrote a blog titled “Free Childcare For All!” In her blog, she states “childcare may not be at the top of anyone's list but when you look at how it could possibly decrease unemployment, poverty and the need for other government benefits, it should be!!”. Frankly, Shantae mentioned  the importance of  Childcare in her shoes. She  tells what she feel when she takes care her kids. She gave an example like  “Just think about it for a moment, if parents can't afford childcare and have no family assistance in helping to take care of there children they are unable to work. There have been occassions, when I myself, have applied for a job and was offered it but had to decline because of no after-school childcare. Had I had childcare I would have been gainfully employed during that time because I had the will to work just no means.” to express her opinion about the topic, it helps readers including me to sympathy her stance.

She argues that the government should put more money into childcare.
In conclusion, I agree with her opinion. Shantae wrote a reasonable and informative criticism. In my humble opinion, I appreciate her artless statement. I think that If the the government put more money into childcare this would help to reduce money and effort for other issues such as unemployment, poverty something like that.

Friday, April 3, 2015

About Obama Care

In March 23, 2010, The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), also known as Obamacare has been signed into law. Commonly called the Affordable Care Act (ACA) or "ObamaCare", represents the most significant regulatory overhaul of the U.S. healthcare system since the passage of Medicare and Medicaid in 1965. The ACA was enacted to increase the quality and affordability of health insurance, lower the uninsured rate by expanding public and private insurance coverage, and reduce the costs of healthcare for individuals and the government. Before signing this law, America’s health care system is unique among industrialized democracies in that there is no universal, government-sponsored health care plan for all citizens. With this law being approved, there is a constant tug of war between Americans who approve Obamacare and Americans that are still skeptical. People who strongly disagree or view as a negative have to ponder the thought point out that nation enforces people to join the insurance, also levies fines on people who don’t join the Affordable Care Act (ACA) as the problems of “ObamaCare” .

South Korea has implemented the universal health care since in 1989. A lot of Korean people lived in fear of serious illness because they didn't have health insurance that would help pay their medical bills before implementing. However, The majority of people enjoy benefits of the universal health care now. It had to go through a series of trials and errors to get to where we are today.

I think the final goals of “ObamaCare” are that all people of nation have universal health care and get medical treatment when they are sick. Surely, everyone has a right to their respective opinions on Obamacare, but the ones who why is this new Act such a bad idea? Was not it created and passed into law so everyone living in the United States can receive quality affordable health care? Those that are skeptical and have negative opinions about Obamacare ever considered what might happen to the individual or individuals loved ones if they were not to have any type of health care in the case of an emergency.

In general, every achievement requires trial and error.

Friday, March 13, 2015

The qualification of good leader

On Friday, February 27, Jeb Bush Reaffirms He Does NotSupport Marriage Equality."

This article is about Jeb Bush’s attitude about gay marriage. The author criticizes Jeb Bush’s attitude and statement about gay marriage, saying ” If Bush runs for president, some of his closest aides will be individuals who are strong public supporters of legalizing same-sex marriage. The hires, reported BuzzFeed, led to some chatter among Republicans that Bush could position himself as "the gay-friendly Republican in the 2016 field."

He was once an anti-gay marriage hardliner. Also, he said that he respected for the good people on all sides of the gay and lesbian marriage issue when he was governor of Florida. And now, he shows toward his position on gay marriage by appearing to deplore to a media that: “It ought be a local decision. I mean, a state decision. The state decided. The people of the state decided. But it’s been overturned by the courts, I guess.” The author makes cynical remarks about Jeb Bush’s attitude by saying ” he was disappointed by a court's decision to allow marriage equality in the state…… He also said, however, that he had little appetite to repeal marriage equality through means such as amending the U.S. Constitution. “

I agree with the author. Jeb’s attitude looks like seesaws between con and pro about the issue in order to ingratiate with people. His attitude makes him look a temporizer.

Jeb Bush believes there are two different classes of people. He does not believe in justice and equality for all. This should disqualify him for higher office. Because  I think if someone is against any kinds of quality , he or she does not deserve any kinds of public office.


Friday, February 27, 2015

My stance about Paid Sick Leave

The author of this critique criticizes the attitude of Fox News about president Obama’s plan which says “The president will also sign a memorandum that will ensure federal employees get at least six weeks of paid sick leave for the arrival of a new child and propose that Congress pass legislation to give them six weeks of paid administrative leave“
The author mentions The New York Times and The Washington Post that reacted positively to news of Obama’s plan about Paid Sick Leave. On the contrary, the author reveals his stance about Paid Sick Leave and criticizes Fox News in an emphatic tone of voice, saying “But Fox's dismissal ignores the fact that paid sick days have been shown to save the U.S. economy billions of dollars annually. According  to the National Partnership for Women and Families, "Paid sick days help to decrease the productivity lost when employees work sick... which is estimated to cost our national economy $160 billion annually." Paid sick leave also contributes to workplace stability by removing the cost of replacing workers and the risk of infecting other workers. “

The author supports Obama’s stance about Paid Sick Leave.
 I agree with the author. Because I think that if someone was hurt and in a hospital that person would have to be out and back to work immediately in order to prevent becoming homeless. If a woman was pregnant and working on minimum wage she would have to be at work every day until she goes into labor and be out of the hospital immediately in order to support the child unless she has a family member or friend who isn't working on minimum wage and would be willing to help, even though, there are concerns about  some people think if they have seven sick days, they have to use them - even if not sick

Friday, February 13, 2015

Obama's Evolution

On Tuesday, Februay 10, 2015, The Washington Post published an article titled Obama’s latest ‘evolution’ on gay marriage: He lied about opposing it, Axelrod says.

It was revealed that President Obama hid the fact that he support for gay marriage for a long time by political calculations.
President Obama said during the 2008 campaign that he did not support marriage for same-sex couples. Obama publicly opposed same-sex marriage for years after that.
Whenever he got the questions about gay marriage, he took an ambiguous attitude by saying “Evolving”.  Finally, he indicated his true position on the issue in 2012.
This is a pretty striking new because an American president's top adviser admitting that the president deliberately lied to the public about his true position on an issue of significant currency.
Obama promised a new kind of politics and transparency, and “Honesty” is one of his strengths. Therefore, people who support Obama are cynical and uncomfortable about the issue. It is just my humble opinion.