Friday, April 17, 2015

colleague's critique

I just kept reading my classmate’s blog for For my critique. And, finally I choose : Shantae's View's on Goverment on Thursday, April 2, 2015 wrote a blog titled “Free Childcare For All!” In her blog, she states “childcare may not be at the top of anyone's list but when you look at how it could possibly decrease unemployment, poverty and the need for other government benefits, it should be!!”. Frankly, Shantae mentioned  the importance of  Childcare in her shoes. She  tells what she feel when she takes care her kids. She gave an example like  “Just think about it for a moment, if parents can't afford childcare and have no family assistance in helping to take care of there children they are unable to work. There have been occassions, when I myself, have applied for a job and was offered it but had to decline because of no after-school childcare. Had I had childcare I would have been gainfully employed during that time because I had the will to work just no means.” to express her opinion about the topic, it helps readers including me to sympathy her stance.

She argues that the government should put more money into childcare.
In conclusion, I agree with her opinion. Shantae wrote a reasonable and informative criticism. In my humble opinion, I appreciate her artless statement. I think that If the the government put more money into childcare this would help to reduce money and effort for other issues such as unemployment, poverty something like that.

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