Friday, March 13, 2015

The qualification of good leader

On Friday, February 27, Jeb Bush Reaffirms He Does NotSupport Marriage Equality."

This article is about Jeb Bush’s attitude about gay marriage. The author criticizes Jeb Bush’s attitude and statement about gay marriage, saying ” If Bush runs for president, some of his closest aides will be individuals who are strong public supporters of legalizing same-sex marriage. The hires, reported BuzzFeed, led to some chatter among Republicans that Bush could position himself as "the gay-friendly Republican in the 2016 field."

He was once an anti-gay marriage hardliner. Also, he said that he respected for the good people on all sides of the gay and lesbian marriage issue when he was governor of Florida. And now, he shows toward his position on gay marriage by appearing to deplore to a media that: “It ought be a local decision. I mean, a state decision. The state decided. The people of the state decided. But it’s been overturned by the courts, I guess.” The author makes cynical remarks about Jeb Bush’s attitude by saying ” he was disappointed by a court's decision to allow marriage equality in the state…… He also said, however, that he had little appetite to repeal marriage equality through means such as amending the U.S. Constitution. “

I agree with the author. Jeb’s attitude looks like seesaws between con and pro about the issue in order to ingratiate with people. His attitude makes him look a temporizer.

Jeb Bush believes there are two different classes of people. He does not believe in justice and equality for all. This should disqualify him for higher office. Because  I think if someone is against any kinds of quality , he or she does not deserve any kinds of public office.


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